Order Policy

If you have placed an order with us and would like to cancel, please notify us right away via phone or email. If your item(s) have already been shipped, you may send the item(s) back within 7 business days. We are not responsible for return shipping costs. You will be charged the shipping cost that we encountered upon sending the item(s) to you before you are refunded. Please note: when we refund payments on orders that are not classified as “defective”, we reserve the right to charge a 2.5% cancellation fee on the total purchase amount. This percent is the same whether you have paid with Paypal or Credit Card. This is the exact percentage we are charged by our creditors.

We work with a custom printer to create our merch and each design must meet a minimum order threshold to be produced. If your selected design doesn’t meet this requirement, we’ll issue you a full refund after the event for that item.

All items will be made after the event concludes and event pickup is not available. The estimated turnaround time for production and shipping is 6-8 weeks following the end of the event.

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